All Your Photoshopped Photos on Instagram Will Vanish

All the photos that remained photoshopped for any reason are likely to be hidden over Instagram.

Yes, you heard it right. All the photos that remained photoshopped for any reason are likely to be hidden over Instagram. Thanks to the newly introduced feature coming from the popular photos and videos sharing platform called Instagram. This has been done to nullify all the efforts to combat the information and fakes that go viral on the web using social media sites. With this feature, all the fake photos and pictures would go in the hidden mode allowing no one to see them on the accounts, forget about making them viral on the web. 

The photographers and software experts who have been doing all this for spreading fake news or trolling anyone would now face a tough time with this feature as all their efforts to twist the photos and add something which does not really exist in real would be hidden by Instagram. This time the social media site has gone too far to block such users who intend to stay on Instagram or any other social media to spread negative and morphed photos. This was noticed by a known photographer based in San Francisco who while scrolling the main Instagram feed came across the warning pop up coming called “False Information”. The photographer claimed that he has not seen such a warning pop up before.

Once he started clicking over it, he found it overlaying the hidden post, which was basically a photograph of a man seen standing over the rainbow color based mountains. He concluded by saying that the social media giants – Instagram x Facebook seemed to have started tagging the false photos along with the digital art as they come across the same using the said feature. While talking about the same, the official at Instagram claimed that the system employs a blend of feedback from their community and a special technology that helps in finding out the photos that have gone through the third-party independent fact-checkers. 

Once these pass from the fact-checkers test then they would appear at their usual places. However, once it finds out the photo to be a fake one, it goes hiding inside your Instagram page with the warning message that would block the same thus preventing the other users to view it. These photos are removed from the Explore and Hashtag pages along with automatically flagging in the coming future posts. It is exciting to see that all such photos found in the hidden mode would in many ways to prevent the spread of negative news and fake news on social media. The users are finding them too advanced to be implemented by Instagram. Wonder how and what technology the company has used to embark upon with this feature. The photographers and other experts are still not able to get it. 

So, now when you post your photographs, make sure it would pass through the real vs photoshop test and then appear for your users or else would be lost somewhere. On the other side, people feel that digital art, which are created using photoshop and other similar software apps would also suffer while scrutinizing the same. Well, let’s see what goes ahead, but at the moment the people with fake news using photoshopped photos would facetime. Watch out the political IT Cells in India and abroad who use such photos like an important tool for their propaganda.