New Google Chrome will now notify the users about insecure downloads

Google Chrome will also warn once you start downloading any suspicious file. Thus the risk of downloading any illegal and files with trojan horses are likely to hamper you in a big way that can be averted.

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With every passing day, it seems that the tech giant is now gearing up for a much better and competitive way in terms of security. Its latest update for Chrome will now be adding up the HTTP websites by giving the notifications as not secure. Similarly, Google Chrome will also warn once you start downloading any suspicious file. Thus the risk of downloading any illegal and files with trojan horses are likely to hamper you in a big way that can be averted with the help of the warnings coming from Chrome. Talking about the same, the tech giant further said the browser will further going to tighten the noose when it comes to getting the insecure kind of downloads with the help of blocking the media that comes from the latest version of the browser.

Chrome Downloads
Chrome will now notify about insecure downloads

The company intends to bring this update by the fourth quarter of 2020. After disclosing the plans to deal with the annoying ads, Google now has planned to announce this about Chrome in its latest blog post added on its website. It said that the company is now gradually adding up to secure the HTTPs pages when it comes to downloading something risky. The key idea behind this update is to simply secure the privacy and security of the users that would turn a risky affair then they would download any program with insecurely. Thus all the malware and trojans found in the app or program you are supposed to download would be seen added in the scenario.

The Tech giant further added the update stating that it would remove all the support it gives to the different kind of insecure downloads that are coming from the non-HTTPS downloads as started coming from the secure pages) on the web browser – Chrome and it will start soon the display of the warning messages seen over the console of the browser with the next version 81 all set to hit the floor by next month. All the users of the desktop platforms with operating systems like Windows, Chrome OS, Linux and macOS will enjoy this feature. The users would soon be going to see the warning coming or the ‘executables’ files with the advent of version 82, once they find out the one with any risk. The users would soon going to see the warning coming or the ‘executables’ files with the advent of version 82, once they find out the one with any risk. It will also help in notifying several mixed content downloads with this update that would include the documents, disk images, zip files, and even multimedia.